“Take the best that exists and make it better” - Henry Royce
One of the most famous names in all autodom, we’re only covering Rolls Royce models of the post war years on up to the 1980s. Models include the Silver Wraith, Silver Cloud, Silver Shadow, Silver Spirit, Corniche and Camargue.
My first job was as a porter at Melbourne’s once-famous Southern Cross Hotel, where I got to work with the English concierge and doorman. They taught me that a Rolls Royce was always referred to as a ‘Rollercoaster’. When a wealthy guest pulled up out front in a Silver Spirit, if the doorman was too busy to move it, he’d call to me “Ere - son…come and move this Rollercoaster for me would you, there’s a good lad.”
I can confirm the old story about the clock being louder than the engine in a Rolls. You simply could not hear the engine and the only way to know it was running was to check the small tachometer in the beautiful burr-walnut dash. There’s nothing quite like a Rolls Royce…